Specialized Day Care

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It can be a bit overwhelming at times caring towards each and every bit of personal activities of an individual. And if that individual is undergoing some health or mental instability, he/she requires special care. With our Specialized Day Care Service, we offer your loved one every ounce of care they need. Run efficiently by the diligent efforts of our nurses and assistants, your loved one will receive whatever they need – from a helping hand with littlest of tasks to major medical care, our Specialized Day Care ensures full-time support, empathy and well-being of your loved one facing any sort of instability.

Promoting their social skills is also a task undertaken by this specific department. It is kept forefront in this service that no matter the problem, our member remains stable with a hopeful outlook towards life.Special care is given to those with some sort of defect, such as osteoporosis, heart problems etc. Proper nutritional care is given to these members as well as their mental health kept in check at all hours of the day. We can also provide domiciliary care for people who has specific language requirements.

  • Following Languages: Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi & Tamil.